His works
Self portraits
About Godwin
Selected bibliography (in chronological order)
JIMMY XERRI, Ippermettili Nistaqsik, in Il-Hajja f`Ghawdex (Jun-Jul 1993) 16.
DORIS SPITERI, Lifestyle, in In-Nazzjon (16 Jun 1995) 16-17.
MARIA GAUCI, Intervista ma`…, in Il-Palma (Sep-Oct 1995) 13-15.
E.V. BORG, Rinascita : Exhibition of Abstracts by Godwin Cutajar, in The Sunday Times (31 Jan 1999) 53.
E.V. BORG, Sentiment, Emozzjoni u Burdata, in In-Nazzjon (1 Feb 1999) 21.
N.N., Rinascita in Gozo, in The Malta Business Weekly (4-10 Feb 1999) 34.
N.N., Wirjiet ta` Kuntrasti u Mhux, in Il-Mument (28 Feb 1999) Supp. 16.
ADRIAN STIVALA, Arti Moderna minn Ghawdex, in It-Torca (7 Mar 1999) Supp. 23.
E.V. BORG, Rinascita : A Collection of Abstracts, in Malta This Month (Apr 1999) 66-67.
N.N., Abstract Works at the Cathedral Museum, in The Malta Independent (1 May 1999) 18.
E.V. BORG, Silenzju, Solitudni u Riflessjoni, in In-Nazzjon (24 May 1999) 15.
E.V. BORG, Spinta fl-Arti f`Pajjizna, in In-Nazzjon (13 Sep 1999) 22.
E.V. BORG, Of Wine and Men, in The Sunday Times (24 Oct 1999) 25.
GORG CINI, Gozitan Restorer Speaks of his Art, in The Times (14 Apr 2000) 30-31.
MARIA GAUCI, Pain and Gain, in The Malta Independent (26 Jul 2000) 18-19.
N.N., Gozitan Artist awarded International Prize, in The Malta Independent (31 Oct 2001) 19.
EMANUEL FIORENTINO, Gozitan Artist Honoured, in The Sunday Times (4 Nov 2001) 24.
NATHANIEL ATTARD, Artist minn Ghawdex jirbah il-premju "Gladiatore d’Oro", in Il-Mument (18 Nov 2001) 20.
N.N., First Gozitan to receive "Gladiatore d’Oro", in The Malta Independent (29 Nov 2001) 19.
N.N., Artist Ghawdxi Onorat, in Il-Hajja f"Ghawdex (Dec 2001) 8.
GORG CINI, Artist wins Italian Award, in The Times (14 Dec 2001) 6.
DAVIDE PELLEGRINI, Nel Piccolo Ritrovare il Piccolo, in Spazi dell’Anima exhibition leaflet (Jan 2002).
ANDREA ROMOLI, Pittura come Ascesi, in Spazi dell’Anima exhibition leaflet (Jan 2002).
STEFANIA SEVERI, Spazi dell’Anima, in Spazi dell’Anima exhibition leaflet (Jan 2002).
GORG GLANVILLE, "Spazi dell’Anima" wirja personali ta’ Godwin Cutajar f’Ruma, in L-Orizzont (12 Jan 2002) Supp VIII.
NATHANIEL ATTARD, Esebizzjoni ohra f’Ruma minn Godwin Cutajar, in Il-Mument (27 Jan 2002) 20.
CASTELIAN, Gozitan’s Art Exhibition in Rome, in The Sunday Times (27 Jan 2002) 60.
GORG CINI, Artist’s Paintings inspired by Nature, in The Times (19 Feb 2002) 5.
DORIS AZZOPARDI, Fil-Borma mhawra ta’ Godwin........, in In-Nazzjon (30 Mar 2002) 30-31.
N.N., Life Beyond Death, in The Gozo Observer (Sep 2002) 16-17.
N.N., Exposition de tableaux abstraits, in Le Passpass Annecy et Environs (numero 8. fev.2005) 22.
E.V. BORG, Colour Symphonies, in Malta This Month (Sep 2005) 63.
E.V. BORG, Colour Symphonies, in The Sunday Times of Malta (18 Sep 2005) 42-43.
N.N., An Exhibition, in Beijing Today (14 Sep 2007) 24.
N.N., Godwin Cutajar, in That’s Beijing (Sep 2007) 39.
N.N., Godwin, in Le Petit Bulletin (Lyon) (08-14 Apr 2009 No.526) 8.
N.N., Godwin, in Le Petit Bulletin (Lyon) (22-28 Apr 2009 No.528) 10.
N.N., Painting Exhibition, in The Sunday Times of Malta (14 Apr 2013) 28.
CHARLES CASSAR, A Journey of Self Discovery, in The Malta Independent on Sunday (14 Apr 2013) 30.
N.N., Artist’s Biography of Essays, Drawings, in The Sunday Times of Malta Culture and Entertainment (1 Dec 2013) 9.
N.N., GODWIN DESSIN the unfinished monograph Book Presentation, in Focus Gozo College Boys’ Secondary Victoria (Apr 2014) 72.
LOUIS LAGANA`, GODWIN DESSIN the unfinished monograph, exhibition leaflet (May 2014).
N.N., Self Portraits by Godwin Cutajar, in The Sunday Times of Malta (28 Sep 2014) 27.
THEOSIS by Goatwin (Godwin Cutajar), in The Malta Independent on Sunday (12 Oct 2014) 35.
CHARLES CASSAR, Paintings with no inhibitions, in The Sunday Times of Malta Culture and Entertainment (26 Oct 2014) 2.
NICHOLAS DE PIRO, The National Portrait Gallery of Malta, 2015, pp. 218.
CHARLES SPITERI, Wirja ta’ Awtoritratti minn Godwin Cutajar, in Il-Mument (12 Mar 2017) 32.
CHARLES SPITERI, Self Portraits with a Difference, in The Sunday Times of Malta (26 Mar 2017) 56.
D’ANNA RICCARDO, Zeitgeist - Dal Tempo dello Spirito allo Spirito del Tempo, a cura di Mauro Malgrande, Rome 2017, pp. 50-51, 64, 67.
N.N., Art by the Seaside Gallery presents : A Captivating Self Portraits Exhibition by Godwin Cutajar, in The Malta Independent (22 June 2024) 10.
N.N., GODWIN IS, in Il-Lehen (30 June 2024) 13.
LAWRENCE PAVIA, The Self Portaits of Godwin Cutajar, in The Sunday Times of Malta (21 July 2024) 28.
LOUIS LAGANA`, Hair as Symbol, Narrative and the Unconscious, in The Malta Independent on Sunday (10 November 2024) 22.
LOUIS LAGANA`, LARA ZAMMIT, Artist uses Human Hair in Exhibition, in The Sunday Times of Malta (24 November 2024) 33.
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Godwin Cutajar Gallery